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Take Control of Your Life

Take Control of Your Life

Taking Control of Your Life is all about doing what you want to do. It is all about realizing your dreams and turning them into achievable goals. It is about identifying what is missing from your life, and working out how to fill the gap. It is about turning your life around, being happy, and making a difference.

Available from Amazon for Kindle. Take Control of Your Life Take Control of Your Life Take Control of Your Life Take Control of Your Life

Goal Setting

The Quick and Easy Way to Take Control of Your Life: What the Internet Won't Tell You about Goal Setting

The number one reason to set goals is to take control of your life. As children, our dreams have no boundaries. Our imagination takes off and we fantasize about being utterly fabulous. We don't let the reality of life get in the way. At some point we lose sight of our early dreams as the rules of society take over. Sometimes we lose control of our life. Sometimes we end up in a rut that is so deep we can't see over the edge. Goals help you to increase focus, and enthusiasm. Additionally, they help you make better progress towards being fabulous. The book contains twenty exercises that will guide you through the process of creating an achievable goal. From coming up with ideas, through to a well written and constructed goal that you can complete successfully and make a difference in your life. Why should you buy this book over any other book? If you want to take control of your life, this is a great place to start.

Available from Amazon. Take Control of Your Life Take Control of Your Life Take Control of Your Life Take Control of Your Life

2017 desk diary

2017 Desk Diary

When you want to take control of your life, you need to take control of your time. This calendar will help you with your goal planning, scheduling and measuring your progress.

Available from Amazon. Take Control of Your Life Take Control of Your Life Take Control of Your Life

2016 desk diary

2016 Desk Diary

When you want to take control of your life, you need to take control of your time. This calendar will help you with your goal planning, scheduling and measuring your progress.

Available from Amazon. Take Control of Your Life Take Control of Your Life Take Control of Your Life

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